Tuesday, December 11, 2012

OLLI's favorite all-in-one exercise!

Exercise of the week: Single Leg RDL

This exercise is great for increasing posterior strength in the glutes, hamstrings, and core. It also improves coordination, balance and total body stability. A powerful tool for runners, cyclists and o

ther athletes!

1. Plant both feet on the ground with a soft-bend in each knee
2. Grab a dumbbell or kettlebell in your right hand
3. Transfer your bodyweight to your left foot, concentrating on grounding through the heel and the outside of your foot
4. Lift the right leg off the ground and begin to "hinge" forward at the hip. Descend as far as you can while maintaining stability, aiming for a flat back at 90 degrees to the hips.
5. Engage core, maintain a stable shoulder, and contract the glutes on your supporting leg. Actively hold the raised leg back behind you. Breath.
6. Rise up slowly, squeezing the hips and glutes forward.
7. Repeat on the opposite side.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Tabata Turkey Burn

Looking for something to jump start your post-turkey day workout?Try incorporating Tabata style exercises into your routine to increase VO2max and challenge all your systems with high intensity intervals.

Start with some Super Skaters, an OLLI favorite, with the following structure:

20 seconds all out effort, 10 seconds recovery. Repeat for 8 rounds.

Always warm-up and cool-down!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Rise and Shine.

What's standing in your way? Is your biggest obstacle yourself?
Rise & Shine. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sandwich Fuel--stack up the contents!

Check out this article from Bicycling Magazine on how to best incorporate a nutrient dense sandwich as fuel for endurance training. Timing is everything when trying to balance nutrition and training---knowing when to eat your favorite indulgences (carbs, fat, sugar) can help you perform better and save your waistline!

Give us a shout today to learn about OLLI's nutrition coaching options!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Price of Inactivity

Going with the flow in the US these days could leave a person with a high morbidity rate, low productivity, and ever-rising healthcare costs. Educate yourself to take control of your own wellness---step of that easy path of temptation and convenience and jump aboard the road to health & happiness!Your health doesn't just affect you---it matters to everyone around you!Check out this article with some concrete numbers of where our country is heading...don't be part of these negative statistics!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Is Organic necessary? Email us to find out!

Check in with OLLI to sort through the hype, the fads, the facts, the proven methods, and even get your own nutrition plan! Email us today for our summer discount prices: info@OLLIFitness.com

Monday, July 23, 2012

Make Olympic Dreams Your Reality!

With the Olympics upon us, everyone tends to feel a little spark of motivation to be great. Take this spark further, and start chasing your dreams. To get started, check out the book, "No Opportunity Wasted" by Phil Keoghan. It's on the top of our reading list to go out and start living each day fully!


Monday, June 11, 2012

Overcome Emotional Eating

Some simple steps to take each day to get yourself back on track with the daily regimen you are working towards!

For more info, check out the full article: ACE Fitness

Monday, June 4, 2012

Don't be a statistic.

If this isn't a wake-up call for our society...we are in more trouble than we think!

Don't get swept up in the world around you. Educate yourselves, teach your loved ones, and take action to battle against all that threatens your health. You will be stronger, healthier, and live longer by NOT taking the easy road!

Remember, there is no such thing as cheap food. You either pay more to keep your health now, or you pay for your medical bills down the road.
Don't put a price-tag on your well-being!


OLLI Website goes live!

Check out the new OLLI Fitness website!