Friday, November 23, 2012

Tabata Turkey Burn

Looking for something to jump start your post-turkey day workout?Try incorporating Tabata style exercises into your routine to increase VO2max and challenge all your systems with high intensity intervals.

Start with some Super Skaters, an OLLI favorite, with the following structure:

20 seconds all out effort, 10 seconds recovery. Repeat for 8 rounds.

Always warm-up and cool-down!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Rise and Shine.

What's standing in your way? Is your biggest obstacle yourself?
Rise & Shine. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sandwich Fuel--stack up the contents!

Check out this article from Bicycling Magazine on how to best incorporate a nutrient dense sandwich as fuel for endurance training. Timing is everything when trying to balance nutrition and training---knowing when to eat your favorite indulgences (carbs, fat, sugar) can help you perform better and save your waistline!

Give us a shout today to learn about OLLI's nutrition coaching options!