Tuesday, December 11, 2012

OLLI's favorite all-in-one exercise!

Exercise of the week: Single Leg RDL

This exercise is great for increasing posterior strength in the glutes, hamstrings, and core. It also improves coordination, balance and total body stability. A powerful tool for runners, cyclists and o

ther athletes!

1. Plant both feet on the ground with a soft-bend in each knee
2. Grab a dumbbell or kettlebell in your right hand
3. Transfer your bodyweight to your left foot, concentrating on grounding through the heel and the outside of your foot
4. Lift the right leg off the ground and begin to "hinge" forward at the hip. Descend as far as you can while maintaining stability, aiming for a flat back at 90 degrees to the hips.
5. Engage core, maintain a stable shoulder, and contract the glutes on your supporting leg. Actively hold the raised leg back behind you. Breath.
6. Rise up slowly, squeezing the hips and glutes forward.
7. Repeat on the opposite side.