Tuesday, July 16, 2013


A few months ago, I gave a presentation to a group of members at a local health club. It was promoted as a "RESULTS NOT RESOLUTIONS" program, titled, "No Excuses: Top 10 Ways To Succeed." It followed a push to support members in sticking to their New Year resolutions. I was shocked to see that out of thousands of members, only 8 people were motivated enough to gain insight into finding personal success.

Of course, the OLLI team is all about motivation, and gets fired up whenever we can transfer any small speck of energy to someone else. So, I made sure I gave these 8 people as much enthusiasm and as many tools as possible to go forth and conquer 2013 like the crew of badasses they were. 

In the weeks & months following, I found that the topics discussed and information provided were needed by so many people that weren't present for the workshop. I found myself going back to the content of this presentation over and over again for different clients, friends, and even people I had just met.

So, I share the presentation with you all and encourage you to pass the positivity on. Check out the slideshow & content below, as always contact us with any questions or if you are interested in our Lifestyle Coaching programs.

Best way to be successful is to find out why you’re not & what’s holding you back—so we are going to take a look at the some of the excuses that keep us from getting after our goals, and then talk about how to get through these obstacles.

We want you to leave motivated and ready to take steps in knocking things out of the park. This is to help you, so feel free to speak up anytime!

To start let’s group up & fill out your assigned # on the handout—this is for your reference and we will walk through it as we go. Okay…let’s roll!

#1: “I don’t have time”
àHow many of us have used this one? I get it…we are all busy… (CLICK)
--Really look at how you are spending your time everyday. Is each hour purposeful & moving you forward?
--Plan for it…we have iPhones & calendars, plug it in. If you can schedule your meetings & your social hours, you can schedule time to cook healthy meals and get in a workout.
--Is work more important than your health? Put yourself first!

#2: “It’s too expensive”
·      no such thing as cheap food!”
o   Think about it…1 bag of lettuce for $3 or 1 salad for $8

#3: “I’m not ready”
àREALLY think about this for a second; if you knew you could not fail…what would you do? Okay, now think…what is holding you back?

·      Guys, to be successful, you HAVE to be willing to be uncomfortable. You need to be okay jumping out there and “dabbling with disaster” a little bit.
·      Believe on your abilities & know you will be successful
o   Pick one small goal
o   Map your plan
o   Aim high.
·      Small success fuels motivation!

#4: “It doesn’t work”
·      Is it just a piece that isn’t working or your whole approach? Think about it…if you have a flat basketball…there is nothing wrong with you or the hoop, but you still can’t play the game. What needs to be “pumped” up for you?

#5: “Other people need my time”
àFirst off, no one’s time is more important than your health. (CLICK)
·      You schedule time for meetings, dinners, shopping…why not for YOU?
·      Really evaluate this equation…are they doing the same for you?
·      Think about the long term effects, especially for parents in here, what habits & lifestyle are you passing on? (SHOW PICTURE)
·      Don’t get burnt out….trust us, your family & friends will need you more as a healthy & happy person!

#6: “It’s boring”
·      Accomplishments=excitement
·      Get out & PLAY! What do you enjoy?
·      Change your outlook for a permanent change
o   If you fake a smile for long enough, it sticks!

#7: “It’s uncomfortable”
àAnything worthwhile in life is a little terrifying, right?
·      It sounds cheesy, but seriously, find something new, different, exciting each day. It not only enriches your every-day, but it helps you feel more confident to tackle other scary things.
·      Get a buddy so you aren’t going it alone
·      Prepare! Use resources available to learn, practice, and gain new skills.

#8: “It’s inconvenient”
·      You do all these other things you’re supposed to do to take care of yourself, so why not this?
·      Ask yourself…READ QUOTE

#9: “I’m too…”
o   Christine’s story (75 year old bodybuilder)
o   My marathon training
o   Read No Opportunity Wasted
·      Closely map your progress so you can see changes and know you’re really not “too” whatever
·      Practice envisioning what it looks like when you’re not “too..” anymore. Now, what are you going to do to get there?

“Your shortcomings can always be made up for with hard work & strengthening your weaknesses. If you underestimate yourself, you’re never going to be great.”

#10: “I don’t know”
àWhat are you doing to change that, or have you accepted it?
·      Everything is at our fingertips
·      Overwhelmed with information? That is what we are here for!
·      Always be willing to TRY & LEARN!

àMake 1 small change at a time to fuel your success
àTake a look at what habits are moving you forward and what’s holding you back
à Really seek out your best options & find your tools.

Whole30 Recap

Well, we took the plunge and stuck to the Whole30 rules for 1 month. 

Here's what we saw:

  • Incredible anti-inflammatory effects
  • Lean mass gain and fat mass loss
  • Increased energy after the "detox" phase
  • Decreased food sensitivities & intolerances
  • Diminished digestive discomforts
  • Clearer skin
  • Better results from exercises & training
  • Eventual decrease in cravings and increase in will power

In addition to the rules of Whole30, we added in a daily probiotic supplement and absurd (but necessary) amounts of water. 

Who we recommend this option for:
  • Anyone looking to lose weight
  • Those seeking lean mass/strength gain
  • Anyone with food sensitivities, allergies, intolerances or digestive issues (trust us, the first few weeks might be rough, but your body will reset itself and you can say good riddance to your digestive ailments!)
  • People who want better energy levels, regularity, and more "omph" for their workouts & daily activities

What are we doing AFTER Whole30?
  • We are at our "new normal"
  • We are still upholding most principles of the Whole30 program by consuming animal protein, lots of vegetables, an adequate amount of fruit, appropriate fat intake, and plenty of nuts/seeds.
  • We are still limiting dairy & grain intake, and making sure we avoid any and all processed foods
  • Depending on our training regimen, we may have boosted our carb intake back up by 1 serving
  • We have added back in our 10% rule (10% of your nutritional intake every week can be whatever you want! It keeps us all sane and eliminates guilt when enjoying our favorite indulgences)

If you'd like more day-to-day details of this system to find out if it's realistic or a good fit for you, please send an email to Cassie: cassie@OLLIFitness.com

One Life, Live Infinitely.