Monday, June 3, 2013

Lean, Clean Eating for 30 days

We never advise our clients about anything without trying it ourselves first. 
This month, we are tackling the Whole30 challenge. Whole30 is a Paleo based "clean-up" or "reset" for your nutritional intake. It is so NOT a diet, but rather a way to help people get back on track with healthy, sustainable habits. It might feel like a major lifestyle shift, but it's totally manageable and we expect it to be worth it, too! The system uses well-timed, content packed emails and an online community (full of spectacular resources) to guide Whole30 members to success. It practices the principles put forth by its parent company, Whole9. 
Much like OLLI, they are all about approaching a positive, healthy lifestyle with a holistic balance. Check out their 9 factors below (we dig them):

We will keep you all posted about our journey over the next 30 days & we welcome anyone to join us in achieving a higher energy level, cleaner, more efficient systems and a leaner-meaner-ready-to-take-on-anything for the summer attitude!

Check them out or email us to get on board!

One Life, Live Infinitely.

OLLI Does Boston: Free Group Workouts

After announcing free group training around Boston and immediate suburbs, lots of questions have been flooding into OLLI. Why so vague? When is it? What is it? Why is it free? Here is the low down, folks.

I've seen so many people cheated out of a healthy lifestyle simply because they don't have the money or resources to invest in it. Now, as a coach and a practicing business owner, I know a thing or two about sales. Of course, some people could adjust their lifestyles and spending habits accordingly--which would squash any and all excuses and help them achieve a healthier, happier sense of well being. There are the few though (with this number growing in our turbulent economy) that genuinely cannot afford expert guidance to help them be successful in achieving their goals. This is one of the main reasons OLLI Fitness was created. Everyone, everywhere should be able to find a support group and become the best possible version of themselves. 
SO, we bring you...Free Group Workouts.
We bring them to where you need them, when you need them. No times or locations have been announced yet, because we will plan each session according to what the OLLI family demands.

If you're in Boston and you want to be a part of this movement, let us know when and where you want to get your sweat on. We will be there to join you, coach you, and cheer you on. Tweet us, email us, call us, Facebook us...even snail mail us. If we hear from you, we will make it happen.

Happy Monday, this week has got NOTHING on you. So get after it, everyday.

One Life, Live Infinitely.