Friday, September 27, 2013

ACTIVE STRETCHING (Repairing Your Fascia, Step #3)

Repairing your Fascia, Step #3

Okay, so now your body is waking up a little. You’re moving in a more consistent pattern and you have worked out some of the major knots that were locking you up. You should be feeling relief and release already! Step #3, Active Stretching, is to promote permanent improvements with lasting positive effects of the preceding soft-tissue release and mobility exercises.

I’m sure many of you have been getting mixed signals about stretching---don’t do it before exercise, it doesn’t actually do anything, you only need to do it if you want to do yoga, and other myths!
Here are a few facts to set you straight:
·      -- Active, or dynamic, stretching is a valuable practice preceding exercise, throughout the day, and even post-workout. This approach allows you to contract and relax into some of the tightest areas throughout your body. When done correctly, active stretching will aid in opening joints, muscles, connective tissue and articulations. This restores the space meant to exist, allowing all these structures to move as they should, in however many directions as they should.
·       --Active stretching, alone, accomplishes very little beyond instant and short-lived effects. Active stretching coupled with tissue release, mobility & exercise has remarkably progressive and permanent effects.
·       --No matter what your physical activity or performance goals are, flexibility is crucial for your body to move efficiently and function at its most optimal level.

To get started with Active Stretching, check out some guidelines on the following page and ask us about additional resources to really dive into Step #3 in Repairing Your Fascia!

For the full article, please visit:

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