Friday, September 27, 2013

MOBILITY (Repairing your Fascia, Step #1)

Repairing your Fascia, Step #1

In “Let’s talk about movement,” we said the first step to repairing your fascia and feeling great again is simply to move, and move often. Here is the catch: You have to know the right type of movement to start with.

If you think you might have an injury or your fascia is angry with you, diving right back into running or lifting or another type of strenuous activity will only agitate your symptoms. At this point, your resting state isn’t even “recovery.” So, you are going from an already locked up body…then adding some inefficient movement and inflammation…and boom, you wake up the next day feeling like you’re 100 years old.

To move on to Step #2, which will be discussed in the next “OLLI: Daily,” you need to master the practice of mobility & recovery. To reiterate what Step #1 is all about: we need you to transition to a more active lifestyle so your systems are alive, awake and alert. This might be some nice stretching in the morning, making sure you walk to the bus, opt for the stairs…whatever you can do to get the blood flowing. We are looking for consistent, low-intensity activity.

To complement this slightly increased activity, mobility exercises are critical to advancing towards full recovery. If you’re body is all locked up from months, or even years, of habitual activities (such as sitting at a desk, running through an injury, or carrying your purse on the same shoulder all the time), you need to start sending messages to “un-do” what your body has done to adapt to these external influences.

On the following page, you will find a few mobility-based exercises. If practiced consistently, you will begin to notice improved range of motion, less restricted movement, and an all around decrease in how tight you are feeling. Keep in mind how long you have asked your body to move about in the “wrong” way; counter-acting this will take time and persistence, but it’s remarkable what a difference can be made!....

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