Friday, September 27, 2013


Reset & Restart, Part 1
“Getting off the train”

I’ve found that a lot of people look at me, and others in the fitness industry, as leading this ridiculously healthy lifestyle that would never work for the “normal” person. Yes, there are certainly those select few fitness competitors that travel around the city accompanied by an oversized cooler, in which perfectly weighed and measured food is neatly packed. There are, however, many of us looking for a more balanced approach to living healthy.
As I’ve confessed that I face many of the same challenges as my clients, they’ve warmed up to me more, realizing, “oh, okay she IS human.” Even as a coach, life gets crazy and I fall off track. I travel quiet a bit for my work managing a nonprofit and, like many business travelers, I end up on a train with nothing but snacks and soda available, or maybe some random bar or restaurant with a late night menu. Often times, if I don’t prepare for my trips, a few days off track while traveling can snowball into a week or two off my game, even after I return. It’s a slippery slope; once you start giving in to habits you’ve worked hard to keep in check, you feel like you have to go back to the start. Then you feel defeated, guilty, and probably employ the, “Well I already had (fill in the blank), so I might as well just (fill in the blank) and get back on track next week.”
So, yes, I’ll admit it: There are times when I may go a week without really training. I do indulge (usually on sweets). Sometimes I, too, get on a roll with self-defeat that I have to drag myself out of to get back to my healthy routine.

The questions remains, what do you do when you don’t need a total overhaul, but you’re off your game and need a way back? It’s time to reset & restart, folks.

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